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About DMS

Welcome to Dover Middle School

Dover Middle School serves approximately 500 seventh and eighth graders drawn from the communities of Dover, Mine Hill, and Victory Gardens. We offer a comprehensive curriculum that emphasizes the mastery of the New Jersey Student Learning Standards while providing the opportunity to explore a variety of curricular offerings.

The school is specifically tailored to meet the unique needs of middle-school-aged children. We utilize a modified block schedule that provides for 72-minute Math and Language Arts classes. Science, Social Studies, Physical Education, and Specials classes are 46 minutes long. Band and chorus meet each morning at 7:30, allowing students to develop their musical talents fully by participating in one or both disciplines. In addition, the band meets twice a month during the school day, once in its entirety and then by grade level. Lessons are also held on a weekly basis. Students can audition for the Jazz Band, which meets separately from the Concert Band. 

Our academically rigorous Gifted and Talented program continues to engage students in activities that promote higher-level thinking skills. Students are identified for the program through multiple measures, including teacher recommendation, benchmark assessments, NJSLA test results, and algebra readiness for incoming eighth-grade students.

Dover Middle School provides every student with either an iPad or a MacBook Air laptop computer for daily classroom use. All teachers incorporate technology into their lessons daily through Canvas, Promethean Boards, and other tools. Teachers work collaboratively and share best practice strategies incorporating technology and 21st-century skills.

For seventh and eighth graders, co-curricular activities allow students to explore their interests and display their talents. Dover Middle School's program is varied enough to provide something for everyone. Writers, photographers, and artists are attracted to the Yearbook Club and the DMS News Team. Public speaking and debate are fostered through forensics, while dramatic talents are honed in the school play. Leadership skills and community service can be developed in the Student Council, the National Junior Honor Society, and the Builders Club. Athletic programs for girls and boys include cross-country, soccer, football, cheerleading, basketball, wrestling, softball, baseball, and track and field.